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  -  Events   -  An Exciting Colourful Week to Start the New Season

If you are a fashion lover, you would not ignore the existence of the digital Lavender colour 2023. I was impressed myself this summer by the number of women wearing clothes and swimsuits in such color. This color will be highly used with respect to representing wellness and digital escapism, after the years we have been through. We need stability with a high doze of optimism. But how to integrate that color into your home? That is exactly what smo Human Colors and EL’LE Interior Stories will immerse you in by giving you the flavour of the tone, the right volume to use and what colors to associate with it. You will be amazed by the exciting week imagined for you! Professionals –  and a happy few clients – are invited to a DJ and colourful connection evening on 22 September 2022 in our gallery to discover a preview of their new COLORS collection 2023. And play the game, come and dress in total black or white to highlight this new palette of colors!
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Projections of the space made by EL’LE Interior Stories

A new home project, a simple desire to feel better at home, a wish for a well-dosed dynamism on your walls? Join us on Sunday 25/09 @3 pm, Sandrine Monteiro and Subtile are offering a Workshop Advice on Colours and Materials to anyone interested to be guided into decorative trends or who might have a specific projet ongoing or to come. This event is open to all and is free. Book your seat asap HERE