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  -  News   -  Painting on Fiber with KIKI TONNERRE: Art Exhibition till 16/05/2022
kiki Tonnerre

A charming duo approach to create a 3 dimensional artwork made of jute and acrylics with a geometrical composition which complete the jute strips. Julie and Gabriel started this project during the confinement after exploring the material available in their atelier. They came across a spool of jute and, added to that the desire for colours, the original idea of separating to paint each one on their side to better find each other by assembling these different strips in a random but aesthetic way.

The result is very decorative, gives off real warmth thanks to this natural material. Jute fibre, also known as jute, is obtained from the bark of the jute tree, which grows in warm and humid climates. They even propose a customised work that can be adapted to your wall in any room.

Meet our artists and don’t miss to visit this very interesting approach to art with their 3 worlds in one place: drawings, sculptures and painting


Exhibition till 15/05/2022