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  -  Events   -  Design Talk with Germans Ermičs: Collaboration philosophy and creative processes_ 23/11 @6pm
Germans Ermics
Join us and meet a young, international designer who will help you understand the importance of collaborations to explore material and color in a contemporary and forward-looking world. Having started his career as a graphic designer, during his studies in Eindhoven Germans Ermičs gradually turned to making three-dimensional objects. This is the beginning of Germans’ fascination with colour and its ability to influence the objects’ form, surrounding environment and viewers’ perception. Germans Ermičs graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2011 with the diploma work Isometric Mirrors, in which he makes use of interest in optical illusions. His project was picked up by Frame, the leading global interior design and architecture magazine, and at the graduation exhibition Germans Ermičs was approached by the influential Milan gallerist Rossana Orlandi, with whom the designer continues to collaborate to this day.
Free entrance/ reservation appreciated