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  -  Events (Page 3)

art, wine tasting and Live electro-music on 27 October 2022 What about a gathering event around wine and art? Good wine + Painting + live electro music in an art gallery with 2 fantastic artists Charlie Ysasi and Paulina Baron? Gildas, from In Vino Gildas proposes a selection of 4 dyed grape varieties as an ode to the current exhibition. Limited seats…,

Electro-Music Interactive Workshop: the Zoia Experience with Charlie Ysasi from Mexico You will get concrete notions to start using a modular synthesizer in pedal form and create melodious electronic music. Want to know more about Zoia, check HERE [vc_row row_content_width="grid" css=".vc_custom_1541001885510{padding-top: 93px !important;padding-bottom: 130px !important;}" simple_background_color="#fffeee"][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]  

Performance Sacha Polianina: Her feet are her Brushes and Music is her Inspiration Join us to this captivating programme combining dance and live painting. [vc_row row_content_width="grid" css=".vc_custom_1541001885510{padding-top: 93px !important;padding-bottom: 130px !important;}" simple_background_color="#fffeee"][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]  

If you are a fashion lover, you would not ignore the existence of the digital Lavender colour 2023. I was impressed myself this summer by the number of women wearing clothes and swimsuits in such color. This color will be highly used with respect to representing wellness and digital escapism, after the years we have been through. We need stability with a high doze

Maike Ambrock, one of the artist we permanently represent in Luxembourg, will animate a new watercolour course of 4 hours to all beginners (kids, teens or adults) in a dedicated place in our gallery. She speaks German and English. Participants should bring a watercolor paper block of at least 200 g, brushes, watercolors, 2-3 water containers, pencils 2B and 6B, drawing paper, an old smock

Thursday 16 December 2021, Subtile exhibits the exceptional collection of the Galerie Coméliau, Belgium Subtile invites you to visit the exceptional exhibition of works belonging to the Damien Coméliau Gallery. High quality works by Belgian painters such as Jean Rets, Louis van Lint, Edgar Scauflaire or Léon Wuidar as well as a tapestry by Jean-Michel Folon or rare sculptures, objects and jewellery by Pierre

Saturday 30 October at 2.30pm, Falk, the artist currently exhibiting at the gallery has kindly suggested a live painting performance with a practical workshop to end the exhibition on a high note. Do you want to learn how to male texture on a canvas, how to use pigments and different oxydes and the different reactions it generates, join us for a free workshop. No material

Dina Nimax is a young artist full of talent. She is part of a new generation of incredible musician opened to experiment new atmosphere to play in a gallery at the only light of candles to spend a magical evening. Dina will enchant us with the delicate sounds of her harp. She will play Benjamin Britten's harp suite, Marcel Tournier's sonatina, Gabriel Fauré's "Châtelaine