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  -  News   -  art&design Fair: Alice In Wonderland – from 2 till 11 March 2023
Bench MOBO Design
Alice in Wonderland
During a period of 2 weeks, SUBTILE is organising its 3rd event around art&design in March. LIVE TOUCH, interior architect has selected for you numerous of exclusive products and furniture that will be showed off and available for sale. In this 2023 March edition, LIVETOUCH will embark you in a fantastic journey with Alice around surrealism art, handmade wooden furniture and beautiful fabrics. This will only last for 2 weeks.
Bench MOBO Design
On the wall  the Polish artist KAMIL STANCZAK creates a unique universe made of fantasy and on which you have a role to play. A touch of aestheticism and humour to continue our dive into contemporary surrealism.
kamil Stanczak
Kamil Stańczak (born 1980) – Polish visual artist. Painting is the core of his work. He creates characteristic objects and architectural models and constructs movable devices. He selects very specific elements from nature and post-industrial architecture, degraded by civilization. It creates a strange and mysterious visual landscape, suspended between reality and fiction, at the same time natural and artificial. He has exhibitions in, among others, Lublin, Puławy, Contemporary Art Gallery in Przemyśl, BWA Gallery in Sanok. He took part in dozens of collective exhibitions, incl. 6th National Exhibition of Young Painting at the Awangarda Gallery in Wrocław, Konst Massan in Stockholm, the Polish Painting 21st Century exhibition at the Zachęta Gallery in Warsaw, and the Desirable Machines at the Art Factory in Łódź.
The Opening Night will take place on 2nd March at 6:30pm
Within the fair, the organisers invites You to:


2/3/2022 @6pm

exhibition and open day to all professionals and public

4/3 @10.30am-4.30pm & 12/3/2022 1-5pm (max 45min) 

Free architecture & design consultancy sessions

10/3 6.30pm & 11/3 11.30am

Fork Tuning Sound Baths Concert

Interested to join the above events?  Send us an email – HERE
or check HER