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Art Exhibition “Douce Insolence” Dominique Gringoire & Karen Assayag 22 June – 10 September 2023

poster exhibition karen Dominique


One from Paris, One from Brussels. Two contemporary women who live in inspiring cities with an undeniable aesthetic sensibility. They don’t know each other, but they kindly accepted to play – because they love to play – and to combine their worlds for this summer exhibition in our gallery from 22 June to 10 September.

It’s easy enough to make the connection: they like to glue, mount and assemble images. And they love flowers. But the twirling flowers, falling from the sky, suspended in the air that create an ultimately poetic universe to transport us above and beyond.

Dominique Gringoire creates a universe through the surreal montage of her images, which she has been cutting out of international magazines for years. Like a kaleidoscope of landscapes, fragments of objects, fragments of moments, these multiple images combine harmoniously and appeal to us. Women are often in the limelight. She freezes their inner beauty, which is not directly visible in magazines, but by associating it with other images, she gives back their place as a WOMAN, elegant, active, daring… rich.

Dominique Gringoire

On the other hand, Karen Assayag will be presenting a series of macro shots of simple flowers. Look-like unnatural flowers, sublimated by fading and shimmering yet restful colours. Could they be suns, meringues, satin, velvet or even a starry night?

Karen Assayag

Karen also offers to take your portrait in September in the gallery, like this magnificent CAT photo which will also be on display in the gallery. Don’t hesitate to place your order. Date to be confirmed.

CAT Karren

Smaller formats will be combined with Dominique’s collage-compositions to link these 2 women whose worlds take us towards a gentle insolence.

As part of the exhibition, we’re organising a collective collage on 30 June. A musico-creative event in which everyone will take part for 30 minutes accompanied by the sounds of a live band. What if we used a sound as a starting point to co-create an inspiring collage? What if we let ourselves be transported by the music and voices of a group to imagine a world where Humanity regains its letters of nobility?


Dominique Gringoire

Silence On Tourne


Dominique Gringoire

Dominique Gringoire photos


Space, concept, decoration and interior design are the areas in which she has been exercising her creativity for over 20 years. Her taste for uncharted territory and novelty have led her to develop a keen sense of observation, listening skills and the art of getting a message across with finesse. Interior designers listen to their clients, their desires and their needs in order to design living spaces, and that’s where she felt the most frustration, where clumsiness and miscommunication become insurmountable barriers.

That’s when she came up with the idea of getting her clients to work on the ‘mood boards’…. They started to resolve these disagreements using the fun and seemingly simple exercise of collaging images. With a sense of humour, they discovered that they had more in common than just decoration, and at last they were able to move in the same direction again. So naturally she went from being an interior designer to an interior life designer.

Based on this observation, she decided to put her talent, skills and artistic sensibility at the service of individuals in evolution, in transition, in the process of rebellion. Using a variety of wordplay, images, colours and materials, she helps people explore the art of narrative construction.


For Dominique Gringoire, each collage is a meditative journey, a visual poetry inviting the viewer to travel and engage in dialogue with the images. The principle of surrealism is to create unexpected, disconcerting and incongruous encounters, giving voice to a mysterious and fascinating part of the unconscious. The artist suggests that we “write a story”.
The images, assembled in this way, speak of us and transport us towards something to come, or a future future, and much more besides…
This is the richness of surrealism: it speaks of the past, the present and the future.

Karen Assayag

Karen photo

Karen Assayag was born in Casablanca, Morocco. She lived there for 17 years before moving to Paris. She worked in an advertising agency for 11 years. In 2012, she decided to devote herself exclusively to photography and joined the Hans Lucas agency.

She shoots portraits and documentary series. She is also developing a creative body of work combining photography with collage, photomontage and painting.

She works with the press (commissioned portraits and conceptual illustrations), notably for Libération and Les Inrocks.

Karen is a finalist in the Bourse du Talent Mode 2013 and the Prix Caritas Photo Sociale 2022, for which she produced a series in close association with women in extremely precarious situations.She has exhibited at Le Louxor cinema, Espace Beaurepaire, Photodoc, and at the 2019 Biennale des Photographes du Monde Arabe, Galerie du Château d’eau (Toulouse), Galerie Vu (Paris), and the Festival Les Azimutés d’Uzès in 2023. His work has been shown at the Maison Européenne de la Photographie, the Festival Face à la Mer and the Rencontres d’Arles. She has been published in famous magazines such as ELLE, TELERAMA, FIGARO MAGAZINE and no later than last month in LIBERATION

Opening on TUESDAY 27/6  @ 6pm in presence of the artists.

Event Music-Creative with life band on 30 June 2023. Interested by the event? Just sent us email (more information will follow)

Life portrait session in September. Interested by the event? Just sent us email (more information will follow)

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