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February 2023
  -    -  February

Maike Ambrock, one of the artist we permanently represent in Luxembourg, will animate a new watercolour course of 4 hours to all beginners (kids, teens or adults) in a dedicated place in our gallery. She speaks German and English. Participants should bring a watercolor paper block of at least 200 g, brushes, watercolors, 2-3 water containers, pencils 2B and 6B, drawing paper, an old smock

During a period of 2 weeks, SUBTILE is organising its 3rd event around art&design in March. LIVE TOUCH, interior architect has selected for you numerous of exclusive products and furniture that will be showed off and available for sale. In this 2023 March edition, LIVETOUCH will embark you in a fantastic journey with Alice around surrealism art, handmade wooden furniture and beautiful fabrics.

  Roger De Coster, a Belgian painter who recently passed away, has had close ties with the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg since 1980, where he has exhibited many times, notably in 2007 as part of the "LUXEMBOURG et GRANDE REGION" European Capital of Culture. This exhibition focuses more precisely on his 2004-2006 period where the imaginary and the real rub shoulders and release a surrealist