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October 2022
  -    -  October

Paulina Barón, this young and talented Mexican artist coming from Guadalajara is staying Luxembourg during the exhibition. She proposes expressive colouring, imaginative and turbulent abstract paintings. As she explained «When I paint I put my soul and my body into it, I give all my energy and it takes me a while to come to my senses. » I think when looking at her painting

art, wine tasting and Live electro-music on 27 October 2022 What about a gathering event around wine and art? Good wine + Painting + live electro music in an art gallery with 2 fantastic artists Charlie Ysasi and Paulina Baron? Gildas, from In Vino Gildas proposes a selection of 4 dyed grape varieties as an ode to the current exhibition. Limited seats…,

Electro-Music Interactive Workshop: the Zoia Experience with Charlie Ysasi from Mexico You will get concrete notions to start using a modular synthesizer in pedal form and create melodious electronic music. Want to know more about Zoia, check HERE [vc_row row_content_width="grid" css=".vc_custom_1541001885510{padding-top: 93px !important;padding-bottom: 130px !important;}" simple_background_color="#fffeee"][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]  

Performance Sacha Polianina: Her feet are her Brushes and Music is her Inspiration Join us to this captivating programme combining dance and live painting. [vc_row row_content_width="grid" css=".vc_custom_1541001885510{padding-top: 93px !important;padding-bottom: 130px !important;}" simple_background_color="#fffeee"][vc_column][/vc_column][/vc_row]