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March 2022
  -    -  March

After our first NFT artist who joined our collection in November 2021 - Phillip Fotheringham-Matt (PFM) with his videos and derived physical photos and drawing in digital art, we are glad to announce that the 3 following artists based in Luxembourg enhance our collection with their art, very different one from each other: MICHEL FOUARGE Michel Fouarge is Luxemburgish. After a professional career in

“Man only truly inhabits the world by shaping the materials given by nature, which he works into eternal forms. This is how the doors to the universe are opened” (extract of Erik Barray’s book, “Erik Barray, Vannier d’art et d’âme”, 2020) Subtile has imagined for you, professionals and private individuals in love with natural elements, an event combining Art and Design: the art&design days. I