What a bold approach to jazz! Sounds, breath and touch are the basis of everything. The musicians not only play with each other but also with all that surrounds them. Their musical complicity transpires to the audience, and spurs each of them to give more than their best so as not to disappoint the other. Sascha's voice is an instrument in itself, powerful
I met Emilie, an interior architect, graduated as such from a French university, a few years ago. I immediately appreciated, aside her kindness, her unusual way of thinking and approaching the decoration. Emilie visited the gallery with me and together we elaborated the interior improvements. I do really appreciate her high capacities to put aside one's own tastes and preferences to really understand the intentions and ways of functioning and living of one's clients. We did
Saturday 30 October at 2.30pm, Falk, the artist currently exhibiting at the gallery has kindly suggested a live painting performance with a practical workshop to end the exhibition on a high note. Do you want to learn how to male texture on a canvas, how to use pigments and different oxydes and the different reactions it generates, join us for a free workshop. No material
Dina Nimax is a young artist full of talent. She is part of a new generation of incredible musician opened to experiment new atmosphere to play in a gallery at the only light of candles to spend a magical evening. Dina will enchant us with the delicate sounds of her harp. She will play Benjamin Britten's harp suite, Marcel Tournier's sonatina, Gabriel Fauré's "Châtelaine